Using old build results as a starting point to speed up new builds.

Together with Harry Garrood I have been looking into speeding up Haskell builds with Nix. He recently wrote a blog post about changes in GHC 9.4 that made this task a little bit easier.

With this patch, source file modification times play no part in recompilation checking.

So what is happening instead?

…​ the hash of the contents of the source file [will] be stored within the corresponding .hi file and GHC [will] determine whether the source file had been changed by comparing this [old] hash to the source file’s current hash …​

But how would we make use of that with Nix?

The Nix Wrapper

Haskell packages, that are built with cabal, can easily be turned into a derivation.

Regular Haskell package in a Nix Flake output
  packages.x86_64-linux.default =
    with import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
    haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "example-package" ./. {};
  # ...

All the hard work is being done by cabal2nix. Now we will add a wrapper around packages.x86_64-linux.default to make use of GHCs cleverness.

Wrapped Haskell package to allow incremental builds
  # ...
  packages.x86_64-linux.incremental =
    with import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
    with import ./nix/haskell/lib.nix {
      lib = pkgs.lib;
      haskellLib = pkgs.haskell.lib;
    buildIncrementally {
      regularPackage = self.packages.x86_64-linux.default;
      previousIncrement = incremental.packages.x86_64-linux.incremental.incrementalBase;
  # ...
What is of interest here?

A wrapper function, that turns a regular derivation into an incremental one.


The derivation, that we want to speed up.


The derivation, that you previously built using buildIncrementally. You can set this to null or remove the attribute, if you don’t have any previous result yet.

Implementation of buildIncrementally

We add an additional output "incremental" to the regular package , so that it becomes a multi-output derivation. This new output contains a tarball with basically all the files generated by GHC (.o, .hi, .dyn_o, .dyn_hi, .p_o, .p_hi).

Now we pass all of this information to the next incremental build by extracting the tarball during preBuild.

postInstall and preFixup take care of generating the tarball for the next incremental build.

Implementation of wrapper function
let buildIncrementally =
  { regularPackage, previousIncrement ? null }:
    (haskellLib.overrideCabal regularPackage
      (drv: {
        preBuild = lib.optionalString (previousIncrement != null) ''
          mkdir -p dist/build
          tar xzf ${previousIncrement.incremental}/dist.tar.gz -C dist/build
        postInstall = ''
          mkdir $incremental
          tar czf $incremental/dist.tar.gz -C dist/build \
            --mtime='1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' .
        preFixup = ''
          # Don't try to strip incremental build outputs
          outputs=(${"\\" + "\${"}outputs[@]/incremental})
    ).overrideAttrs (finalAttrs: previousAttrs: {
      outputs = previousAttrs.outputs ++ ["incremental"];
in ...

Using the Wrapper with Nix Flakes

It’s a bit tricky to get this to work with flakes.

Our flake requires two inputs (nixpkgs and incremental).

The input incremental is pointing to the upstream of the current git repository. We need this to access a prior version of this flake.

Flake inputs
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs = {
      type = "github";
      owner = "NixOS";
      repo = "nixpkgs";
      ref = "nixpkgs-unstable";
    incremental = {
      type = "github";
      owner = "example-user";
      repo = "example-package";
      ref = "master";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
      inputs.incremental.follows = "incremental";
  # ...

The packages default and incremental have already been explained.

Flake outputs
  # ...
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, incremental }: {

    packages.x86_64-linux.default = ...; # same as above
    packages.x86_64-linux.incremental = ...; # same as above

    packages.x86_64-linux.incrementalBase =
      with import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
      with import ./nix/haskell/lib.nix {
        lib = pkgs.lib;
        haskellLib = pkgs.haskell.lib;
      buildIncrementally {
        regularPackage = self.packages.x86_64-linux.default;


We also added incrementalBase, which produces the same result as incremental, but doesn’t depend on earlier versions. We are using it to set previousIncrement in the incremental package.


In the definition of incrementalBase we don’t pass any old derivation into buildIncrementally. We need incrementalBase to avoid an infinite recursion.


Overall the wrapper function buildIncrementally can speed up compilation a whole lot. The more modules you have, the more time will be saved. With hundreds of modules you can likely reduce your CI time by 90% with the incremental output.

This can probably be built into callCabal2nix, which would make the interface a bit more comfortable.

The integration with flakes feels a bit awkward, but I guess it works.


  • I played around with this approach here. With flakes enabled you can easily try it out by building an output.

    nix build --print-build-logs \

    You will notice that you are building consuming-parser twice. First you will build it regularly via incrementalBase and then you will also build incremental, which doesn’t have to compile any modules, because they are already provided by incrementalBase.

  • Harry has an even smaller example, that doesn’t use nix flakes.