There exists a certain kind of monad transformers.
I’m talking about all transformers that have lawful instances of MonadTransControl
from the monad-control library.
In particular ReaderT
, StateT
and ExceptT
have lawful instances.
Let’s stick to ReaderT
for now.
newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT { runReaderT :: r -> m a }
deriving stock (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadTrans ReaderT where
lift = ReaderT . const
instance MonadTransControl ReaderT where
type StT (ReaderT r) a = a
liftWith f = ReaderT $ \r -> f $ \t -> runReaderT t r
restoreT = ReaderT . const
Why is ReaderT
of interest?
in conjunction with an IO
-based Monad m
can be used to build stateful applications, when using something like stm's TVar
is special compared to other transformers, because it doesn’t carry any monadic state StT (ReaderT r) = a
, which is an associated type of the MonadTransControl
This is also the reason, why it has an instance of MonadUnliftIO
MonadBaseControl IO m should be a superclass of MonadUnliftIO m .
So in the case of ReaderT
, withRunInIO
(from MonadUnliftIO
) is just a special case of liftBase
(from MonadBaseControl
This is a powerful function, which basically allows us to not only lift
monadic values, but also provide monadic arguments.
An interesting example of this is the Application
type alias from wai.
type Application = Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
Instead of having IO
directly in the Application
type, you can use an arbitrary Monad m
with the constraint MonadUnliftIO m
I did exactly this in a library called wai-control.
type ApplicationT m = Request -> (Response -> m ResponseReceived) -> m ResponseReceived
Building an application
Now let’s build an application using a Configuration
, the ability to do logging and a database connection.
You should be able to cover most of the required language extensions with GHC2021 .
You will also need QuantifiedConstraints and UndecidableInstances .
is just a simple record.
data Configuration = Configuration
{ databaseUrl :: T.Text
, databasePassword :: T.Text
, port :: Word8
For logging the monad-logger library is used.
newtype LoggingT m a = LoggingT { runLoggingT :: (Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()) -> m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
-- and additional instances ...
When inspecting the type of LoggingT
, one can see, that this is just a reader with access to the logging function.
For demonstration purposes let’s add another transformer to our environment, that allows us to talk to a database. Some implementation details are left to your imagination.
newtype DatabaseT m a = DatabaseT { runDatabaseT :: ReaderT (TVar DatabaseConnection) m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
-- and additional instances ...
And now we just need a type class to use as a constraint, when later on actually building the application logic.
class Monad m => MonadDatabase m where
queryDatabase :: DatabaseQuery -> m DatabaseResponse
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadDatabase (DatabaseT m) where
queryDatabase = undefined -- TODO: Implementation.
Naive AppT
To hide away implementation details, it might be of interest to wrap your environment with a newtype AppT
We will also add MonadTrans
and MonadTransControl
instances, that have to be defined manually, but can help when implementing other instances like MonadIO
or mtl type classes.
newtype AppT m a = AppT { unAppT :: DatabaseT (ReaderT Configuration (LoggingT m)) a }
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadTrans AppT where
lift = AppT . lift . lift . lift
instance MonadTransControl AppT where
type StT AppT a = StT LoggingT (StT (ReaderT Configuration) (StT DatabaseT a))
liftWith f = AppT $ liftWith $ \ run ->
liftWith $ \ run' ->
liftWith $ \ run'' ->
f $ run'' . run' . run . unAppT
restoreT = AppT . restoreT . restoreT . restoreT
To use this you will also need a “runner” function. This function will initialize the environment for your application.
runAppT :: MonadIO m => Configuration -> AppT m a -> m a
runAppT config app = runStdOutLogging $ runReaderT (runDatabaseT config (unAppT app)) config
If you look closely, you might say that this is not all of the initialization.
We still need to read the Configuration
and connecting to the database was left to runDatabaseT
If you have a complicated environment you might be interested in the next approach, which addresses this non-trivial part of initialization.
Improving initialization
We can use our transformer stack to guide the initialization. The inner transformers should be initialized before the outer ones. In our example that would mean:
ReaderT Configuration
This even allows us to use parts of the environment AppT
, that were already set up beforehand.
In the following example we use the logger while reading in the configuration and connecting to the database.
runApplication :: MonadIO m => AppT m a -> m a
runApplication app = do
runStdOutLogging $ do -- run `LoggingT`
config <- liftIO acquireConfiguration
logInfoN $ "Acquired configuration: " <> T.pack (show config) -- we can log now
(\ tma -> runReaderT tma config) $ do -- run `ReaderT Configuration`
runDatabaseT config $ do -- run `DatabaseT`
lift . lift $ logInfoN $ "Connected to database." -- we can also log here
unAppT app
acquireConfiguration :: IO Configuration
acquireConfiguration = undefined -- TODO: Implementation.
If you just want something functional and are a proponent of simple Haskell you can stop here. This is already looking pretty good, but we can do even better.
Let me show you, where this can be improved.
’s instances
To use the environment you will have to provide a few instances.
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadLogger (AppT m) where
monadLoggerLog loc src level msg = AppT . lift . lift $ monadLoggerLog loc src level msg
instance (Monad m) => MonadReader Configuration (AppT m) where
ask = AppT $ lift ask
local f ma = AppT $ liftWith $ \ run -> local f $ run $ unAppT ma
instance (Monad m) => MonadDatabase (AppT m) where
queryDatabase = AppT . queryDatabase
This is quite annoying.
If you add another transformer to the stack, you will have to manually add the lift
ing to each method.
Only instances of the outer most transformer can be used for deriving (DatabaseT
in this case).
Using methods during initialization
We were able to use logInfoN
during the initialization.
Unfortunately we still have to remember to lift
the method call, unless each transformer in our stack provides a MonadLogger
For a more complicated setup it might become hard to track all the lift
s and sometimes we might even need to use liftWith
from MonadTransControl
It would be nice to also have a MonadLogger m
constraint on runDatabaseT
So we basically want to be able to use the full power of each transformer, right after we set it up.
Actually composing transformers
Until now, we have applied transformers on monads to generate a new monad from an existing one.
We can also compose two transformers and generate a new transformer with ComposeT
newtype ComposeT
(t1 :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type)
(t2 :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type)
(m :: Type -> Type)
(a :: Type)
= ComposeT { unComposeT :: t1 (t2 m) a }
deriving newtype (Applicative, Functor, Monad)
Now we have to be clever about adding some instances to ComposeT
Some canonical instances would include MonadTrans
, MonadTransControl
, MonadIO
, MonadBase
, MonadBaseControl
and maybe a few more like MonadThrow
and MonadCatch
All of these canonical instances can be implemented, as long as t1
and t2
implement MonadTransControl
These instances just lift into the base monad m
You can find those canonical implementations here for example. |
Then there are also our own semantically important instances, which we have to be especially careful with.
Let’s look at the example of MonadLogger
-- | Default instance.
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Monad (t1 (t2 m)), MonadTrans t1, MonadLogger (t2 m)) => MonadLogger (ComposeT t1 t2 m) where
monadLoggerLog loc logSource logLevel = ComposeT . lift . monadLoggerLog loc logSource logLevel
-- | Override the default instance, whenever `LoggingT` is used in a transformer stack.
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} MonadIO (t2 m) => MonadLogger (ComposeT LoggingT t2 m) where
monadLoggerLog loc logSource logLevel = ComposeT . monadLoggerLog loc logSource logLevel
With this setup we can lift
instances through our entire transformer stack, from the point they are initialized at.
The same overlapping style, using MonadTrans
should be used for MonadReader Configuration
and MonadDatabase
This recursive instance lookup will be useful to us, because now we don’t have to keep track of lift
throughout our transformer stack anymore.
Deriving to the rescue
We did all of this with the premise, that deriving would improve.
After we have set up our ComposeT
, we can derive everything we want for AppT
And now we can easily add another layer to our transformer stack without changing any of the other instances.
We can also leave out some instances like MonadIO
for example, that we needed during initialization, but don’t want as part of our environment.
I am not a huge fan of MonadIO , because MonadBase IO does the job as well.
type (|.) = ComposeT
newtype AppT m a = AppT { unAppT :: (DatabaseT |. ReaderT Configuration |. LoggingT |. IdentityT) m a }
deriving newtype (Applicative, Functor, Monad)
deriving newtype (MonadBase b, MonadBaseControl b)
deriving newtype (MonadTrans, MonadTransControl)
deriving newtype (MonadLogger)
deriving newtype (MonadReader Configuration)
deriving newtype (MonadDatabase)
We need IdentityT
at the end of our transformer stack, so that our “non-default” instance of LoggingT
is inferred.
Initializing in style
Now we can finally use any class, as soon as we want. Let’s reimplement our initialization.
(|.) :: (t1 (t2 m) a -> t2 m a)
-> (t2 m a -> m a)
-> ((t1 |. t2) m a -> m a)
(|.) runT1 runT2 = runT2 . runT1 . unComposeT
runApplication :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => AppT m a -> m a
runApplication app = do
runConfigured tma = do
logInfoN "Reading configuration."
config <- liftIO acquireConfiguration
logInfoN $ "Acquired configuration: " <> T.pack (show config)
runReaderT tma config
runDatabaseT' tma = do
config <- ask
logInfoN "Connect to the database."
-- Now we can even have a `MonadLogger m` constraint on `runDatabaseT`.
runDatabaseT config tma
runDatabaseT' |. runConfigured |. runStdOutLogging |. runIdentityT $ unAppT app
We finally arrived at a solution, that allows us to easily compose each step of initialization and also comfortably derives our instances for us.
I personally use this kind of transformer stack for my homepage.
Since ComposeT
has quite a few canonical instances, it would be sensible to add ComposeT
to the transformers library.
mmorph also implements ComposeT , but the instances are a bit different!
I am also using a standalone module just for ComposeT
For the project specific instances I then use a newtype (|.)
I try to keep class definitions separated from the rest.
And then finally I can spin up my application.