Transformers provides a monad transformer AccumT. Mtl provides a type class MonadAccum. There should be an instance (Monoid w, Monad m) ⇒ MonadAccum w (AccumT w m), but this is not the case.

AccumT and MonadAccum

AccumT is a monad transformer that’s similar to StateT and WriterT.

AccumT definition
newtype AccumT w m a = AccumT { runAccumT :: w -> m (a, w) }
AccumT is actually isomorphic to StateT.

MonadState allows you to modify a state (s) similar to a variable in imperative languages. MonadAccum only appends to that variable (w) via (<>) from Monoid. MonadAccum is similar to MonadWriter in that way, but also allows you to look at what has already been accumulated.

Minimal MonadAccum definition
class (Monoid w, Monad m) => MonadAccum w m | m -> w where
  add :: w -> m () -- Append to variable.
  look :: m w -- Look at current state of variable.

The current instance

AccumT's MonadAccum instance currently
instance Monoid w => MonadAccum w (AccumT w Identity) where
  add w = AccumT $ \ _ -> return ((), w)
  look = AccumT $ \ w -> return (w, mempty)

The Functor, Applicative and Monad instances of AccumT are fine. Applicative and Monad use a Monoid w constraint and they look like a combination of StateT and WriterT, but nothing really special is going on.

Here comes the part that annoys me…​

Why is the MonadAccum instance restricted to AccumT w Identity???

We can easily implement this instance using the exact same methods, but without restricting the base monad. Therefore I propose to change this instance in the following way.

AccumT's MonadAccum instance proposed by me
instance (Monoid w, Monad m) => MonadAccum w (AccumT w m) where
  add w = AccumT $ \ _ -> return ((), w)
  look = AccumT $ \ w -> return (w, mempty)
Almost every other transformer instance uses this pattern.
instance Monad m => MonadExample (ExampleT m)

We should also use that pattern here.


There are two exceptions in transformers, that don’t follow this rule. ContT doesn’t need the Monad m constraint and SelectT doesn’t work with any base monad that carries monadic state.

The laws of MonadAccum

I’m going to check the laws of MonadAccum to make sure I don’t break anything.

If you find any mistakes, please let me know and I’ll fix them.
MonadAccum laws to prove
  1. look *> look = look

  2. add mempty = pure ()

  3. add x *> add y = add (x <> y)

  4. add x *> look = look >>= w → add x $> w <> x

To help with the proof we can use the laws of Monoid and Monad, because that’s how we want to constrain the MonadAccum instance.

Monoid laws
Left identity

mempty <> x = x

Right identity

x <> mempty = x


x <> (y <> z) = (x <> y) <> z


mconcat = foldr (<>) mempty

Monad laws
Left identity

return a >>= k = k a

Right identity

m >>= return = m


m >>= (\x → k x >>= h) = (m >>= k) >>= h

Aside from these laws, we will only need definitions.

Proving law 1: look *> look = look

Substituting the (>>=) definition makes the terms grow quite a bit, but we can use a direct proof.

look *> look
look >> look
(*>) = (>>)
look >>= \ _ -> look

Definition of (>>).

AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (a, w2) <- runAccumT look w1
  (b, w3) <- runAccumT ((\ _ -> look) a) (w1 <> w2)
  return (b, w2 <> w3)

Definition of (>>=) from Monad (AccumT w m).

do-block in m.
AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (_, w2) <- return (w1, mempty)
  (b, w3) <- return (w1 <> w2, mempty)
  return (b, w2 <> w3)

Definition of look and runAccumT. Simplification using function application.

AccumT $ \ w1 ->
  return (w1 <> mempty, mempty <> mempty)
Simplification of do-block using Monad's "left identity".
return a >>= k = k a
AccumT $ \ w1 -> return (w1, mempty)
Monoid's "right identity".
x <> mempty = x

Definition of look.

Proving law 2: add mempty = pure ()

This is a simple direct proof.

add mempty
AccumT $ \ _ -> return ((), mempty)

Definition of add.

return ()

Definition of return from Monad (AccumT w m).

pure ()
return = pure

Proving law 3: add x *> add y = add (x <> y)

I guess you can probably figure out the approach by now.

It’s a direct proof.

Unfortunately we will have to substitute (>>=) again. Overall the proof has the same structure as the proof of the first law.

add x *> add y
add x >> add y
(*>) = (>>)
add x >>= \ _ -> add y

Definition of (>>).

AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (a, w2) <- runAccumT (add x) w1
  (b, w3) <- runAccumT ((\ _ -> add y) a) (w1 <> w2)
  return (b, w2 <> w3)

Definition of (>>=) from Monad (AccumT w m).

do-block in m.
AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (_, w2) <- return ((), x)
  (b, w3) <- return ((), y)
  return (b, w2 <> w3)

Definition of add and runAccumT. Simplification using function application.

AccumT $ \ w1 -> return ((), x <> y)
Simplification of do-block using Monad's "left identity".
return a >>= k = k a
add (x <> y)

Definition of add.

Proving law 4: add x *> look = look >>= \ w → add x $> w <> x

This time we will transform both sides of the equation and we will reach terms that are obviously equivalent.

We are starting with the left side.

add x *> look
add x >> look
(*>) = (>>)
add x >>= \ _ -> look

Definition of (>>).

AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (a, w2) <- runAccumT (add x) w1
  (b, w3) <- runAccumT ((\ _ -> look) a) (w1 <> w2)
  return (b, w2 <> w3)

Definition of (>>=) from Monad (AccumT w m).

do-block in m.
AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (_, w2) <- return ((), x)
  (b, w3) <- return (w1 <> w2, mempty)
  return (b, w2 <> w3)

Definition of add, look and runAccumT. Simplification using function application.

AccumT $ \ w1 -> return (w1 <> x, x <> mempty)
Simplification of do-block using Monad's "left identity".
return a >>= k = k a
AccumT $ \ w1 -> return (w1 <> x, x)
Monoid's "right identity".
x <> mempty = x
Now we have to check that the right side is equivalent to this.
AccumT $ \ w1 -> return (w1 <> x, x)
look >>= \ w -> add x $> w <> x
AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (a, w2) <- runAccumT look w1
  (b, w3) <- runAccumT (add x $> a <> x) (w1 <> w2)
  return (b, w2 <> w3)

Definition of (>>=) from Monad (AccumT w m).

do-block in m.

Simplification using function application.

AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (a, w2) <- return (w1, mempty)
  (b, w3) <- runAccumT (add x $> a <> x) (w1 <> w2)
  return (b, w2 <> w3)

Definition of add and runAccumT.

AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (b, w3) <- runAccumT
               (add x $> w1 <> x)
               (w1 <> mempty)
  return (b, mempty <> w3)
Simplification of do-block using Monad's "left identity".
return a >>= k = k a
AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (b, w3) <- runAccumT
               (add x >>= \ _ -> return (w1 <> x))
               (w1 <> mempty)
  return (b, mempty <> w3)
Substituting Functor's ($>) using Monad.
  a $> b
= a >>= \ _ -> return b
AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (b, w3) <- do
    (_, v2) <- runAccumT
                 (add x)
                 (w1 <> mempty)
    (q, v3) <- runAccumT
                 (return (w1 <> x))
                 ((w1 <> mempty) <> v2)
    return (q, v2 <> v3)
  return (b, mempty <> w3)

Definition of (>>=) from Monad (AccumT w m).

do-block in m.

Simplification using function application.

AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (b, w3) <- do
    (_, v2) <- return ((), x))
    (q, v3) <- return (w1 <> x, mempty)
    return (q, v2 <> v3)
  return (b, mempty <> w3)

Definition of add and runAccumT. Simplification using function application.

AccumT $ \ w1 -> do
  (b, w3) <- return (w1 <> x, x <> mempty)
  return (b, mempty <> w3)
Simplification of do-block using Monad's "left identity".
return a >>= k = k a
AccumT $ \ w1 ->
  return (w1 <> x, mempty <> (x <> mempty))
Simplification of do-block using Monad's "left identity".
return a >>= k = k a
AccumT $ \ w1 -> return (w1 <> x, x)
Monoid's "right identity".
x <> mempty = x
Monoid's "left identity".
mempty <> x = x

And thus we have reached our goal. Both sides of the equation are actually equivalent.